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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2023/2024 School Year

26th Sep 2023
We had a great day celebrating European Languages Day in Nursery. We used mirrors...
25th Sep 2023
In P3LM we have been loving our practical phonics activities. The pupils have been...
25th Sep 2023
September is a busy time in P1 as we learn all the new routines of school. You can...
24th Sep 2023
On Tuesday 26th September 2023, Dundela is celebrating European Languages Day. As...
21st Sep 2023
P3BK have been looking at different units of measure such as centimetres and metres....
15th Sep 2023
We have had a wonderful time settling into our new Nursery setting. We have been...
15th Sep 2023
The Seedlings have been fantastic at settling into their new Nursery classroom....
15th Sep 2023
Our Numeracy work on Friday was such a treat as we got to eat Smarties! We enjoyed...
15th Sep 2023
During our first few weeks of P3 we have been busy learning all about our bodies!...
13th Sep 2023
The children in P1W have made a great start to school. We have enjoyed playing with...