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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

So much fun in Nursery 1!

12th Jan 2023

Nursery have been very busy enjoying our new topic “Birds”. We have been making play dough birds and using feathers to paint and make marks at the mark making area.

We read the stories “Yeti and the Bird”, “Owl Babies” and “Little Robin Red Vest”. We have been using our small world area to retell the story of Owl Babies in our own words. In our new “Book Nook” we have been exploring story books about different species of birds.

We used our sense of sight in the outdoors. We became bird watchers! We used binoculars to spot birds in the environment and high up in the sky. We also went on a walk around our school to collect sticks and leaves to make bird boxes next week!