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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2019/2020 School Year

4th Dec 2019
We wish you a warm welcome to P2L. We have had a great time learning about Space...
4th Dec 2019
Our focus this half term is Online Bullying. Primary 1 In P1 we are learning...
2nd Dec 2019
A little catch up on what we have been doing in P2 since Half term.  The...
29th Nov 2019
There was great excitement when the Fire Service came to visit us and brought their...
29th Nov 2019
There was great excitement when the Fire Service came to visit us and brought their...
29th Nov 2019
There was great excitement when the Fire Service came to visit us and brought their...
29th Nov 2019
We had lots of fun playing outside. It’s our favourite part of the day! Have...
26th Nov 2019
We had a very interesting visit from Laura the Physiotherapist. She told us all...
26th Nov 2019
P1 had a very exciting day today. We had a visit from our local policeman. He...