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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2022/2023 School Year

18th Jan 2023
Thank you to all who contributed to our Christmas Jumper Day. We raised a total...
17th Jan 2023
This year, 'Children's Mental Health Week' will take place from 6th February - 12th...
16th Jan 2023
Today we were learning the different ways in which the ‘ee’ sound can...
16th Jan 2023
We’ve been getting wrapped up warm to go outside and play in our different...
16th Jan 2023
We have been having the best fun in our outdoor areas- we take our learning wherever...
15th Jan 2023
We’ve been exploring narrative texts in P3D and talking about how stories...
13th Jan 2023
We have all settled in well after Christmas and are enjoying our new Toys topic....
12th Jan 2023
In P1CW we have begun our journey ‘All Around The World’. We have enjoyed...
12th Jan 2023
Nursery have been very busy enjoying our new topic “Birds”.  We...
12th Jan 2023
P3H have made a ‘flying’ start to term 2 with our new topic, ‘BIRDS.’...