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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2022/2023 School Year

17th Feb 2023
The Live Here Love Here grant project is coming towards completion. Work has taken...
17th Feb 2023
Our Primary 3 classes were put through their paces by Dundela FC manager, Paul,...
17th Feb 2023
Dundela pupils recently took part in their annual Maths Morning activities which...
10th Feb 2023
In P2CY we have been very busy exploring our Toy topic. We got to Show & Tell...
7th Feb 2023
Our topic this term has been ‘Around the World’ and we’ve enjoyed...
27th Jan 2023
Thank you so much to J P Corry who very kindly provided us with more wonderful resources....
27th Jan 2023
To celebrate the end of our “Birds” topic the children have been having...