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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2022/2023 School Year

2nd Mar 2023
We have been exploring the theme “Colour” in Nursery this month. We...
2nd Mar 2023
Enjoy our Dundela Family Quiz about all things BOOKS! Ho wmany can you and your...
1st Mar 2023
We had a lovely visit from one of our Mums. She brought her harp into school and...
27th Feb 2023
We have been learning about fruit and vegetables sold in the greengrocers.  ...
24th Feb 2023
Our first half term of the new year has been a busy one! Here are some of the fun...
23rd Feb 2023
We have loved learning all about penguins as part of our topic work in P3D. We studied...
23rd Feb 2023
It is well known that physical activity is beneficial in improving children’s...
20th Feb 2023
We enjoyed a fun week packed with lots of activities to promote our mental health....
20th Feb 2023
Thank you to all of the adults who were able to attend our Nursery Stay and Play...