Access Keys:

Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2022/2023 School Year

27th Mar 2023
Spring has sprung in Dundela! What a beautiful day for a spot of gardening!🌞🌞🌞...
24th Mar 2023
“Your imagination can take you on a journey just as any form of transport...
24th Mar 2023
P2Y have been working had these few weeks! Have a look at our lovely work 👀 
24th Mar 2023
We thought we would show you some of our fabulous work we have done in Term 2. We...
24th Mar 2023
We were all very excited when the snow came and we spent most of the day outside...
24th Mar 2023
We have been investigating fractions, 1 whole, half and quarters. We are so good...
24th Mar 2023
We were investigating all the ways to make 20. First, we used Numicon to find all...
24th Mar 2023
We have been very busy learning how to make 4 letter words. We like to use magnetic...
24th Mar 2023
Today, 3 members of P3H participated in an exciting tennis competition at Belfast...
24th Mar 2023
In P1LM we love doing our weekly lessons in The Arts. One of our favourites is...