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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2022/2023 School Year

25th Jun 2023
What an exciting end of term we have had! We all became ‘Play Champions’...
25th Jun 2023
As the end of term draws near, P3D pupils have been talking with each other and...
24th Jun 2023
What an amazing few weeks of good weather we’ve had! We’ve been making...
23rd Jun 2023
We have had a very busy and exciting month. We collected money for Cancer Fund for...
23rd Jun 2023
We had great fun enjoying the beautiful sunny weather as we took part in our Sports...
19th Jun 2023
The boys and girls have enjoyed Forest School activities all year and so as a treat...
6th Jun 2023
We were absolutely delighted to be asked by Belfast City Council to help advertise...
5th Jun 2023
The weather is absolutely glorious but keeping our garden alive is hard work! A...
30th May 2023
As part of our Pirate topic we got to dress up as pirates for a pirate adventure...