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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2023/2024 School Year

20th Oct 2023
We have been creating lots of mathematical art these last few weeks.  How many...
19th Oct 2023
Can you believe we are heading for half term? We have had so much fun settling into...
18th Oct 2023
In P3M, we’ve been loving using lots of different practical activities to help...
18th Oct 2023
Thank you so much to the football coaches from H&W Welders Football Club who...
18th Oct 2023
P3 have been loving their Drama sessions, learning all about how to use their bodies...
16th Oct 2023
The Nursery Saplings ‘took a stroll through the deep dark wood’ and...
13th Oct 2023
We have been learning all about autumn and woodland animals in Nursery. We read...
13th Oct 2023
One sunny Thursday P3 took PE outside! ☀️ We moved our bodies in various...
13th Oct 2023
We had great fun making shapes outside using sticks and our bodies. We looked at...
9th Oct 2023
Please join us on Friday 13 October in the school hall after you drop your children...