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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Our Bear-tastic Week with the Nursery Seedlings!

29th Nov 2024

We started by reading lots of stories about bears. The highlight was retelling the classic tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears using masks in the Rainbow Room. We made porridge for the bears in our tuff tray, we had fun mixing and measuring. We got busy painting beautiful pictures of bears. The nursery was soon filled with colourful bear portraits! 

Snack time was extra special as we made teddy bear toast! The children enjoyed decorating their toast with fruits to create bear faces. It was delicious. 

We also had a fantastic STEM challenge where the children used loose parts to build caves for the bears. We also got creative with junk materials to make our own bear caves. The children used boxes, tubes, and other recycled items to construct cozy homes for their bear friends. It was amazing to see their imaginations at work.