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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2021/2022 School Year

10th Oct 2021
The staff of Dundela all wore something purple to show their support of World Mental...
8th Oct 2021
We had great fun today adding a splash of purple all around school. We talked...
1st Oct 2021
The boys and girls have been really busy learning all about how we can look after...
1st Oct 2021
Here is the PowerPoint we would normally share with parents at the beginning of...
30th Sep 2021
P1LM have been working so hard in the classroom in September. We have been enjoying...
29th Sep 2021
We are having great fun on our well-being Wednesdays. We are excited to welcome...
29th Sep 2021
Please help us raise extra funds as you shop online. More details of how to get...
28th Sep 2021
P1CW have had great fun learning outside and using lots of natural materials during...
27th Sep 2021
For parents and carers of our current primary one children, Mrs Weatherup (P1CW)...
26th Sep 2021
We’ve now completed our first month in our brand new class. Throughout September...