Access Keys:

Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2021/2022 School Year

17th Dec 2021
We hope you enjoy our Christmas concert 🎄🌟
17th Dec 2021
We hope you’ll enjoy watching our “recipes for Christmas”. Sent...
17th Dec 2021
How lucky are we?! Santa, the busiest man, took time out for a quick walk around...
17th Dec 2021
Another year, another virtual concert….  We hope you enjoy ‘The...
10th Dec 2021
We started our topic on space and what a blast it has been! In forest school we...
10th Dec 2021
During the month of November we celebrated Anti-bullying week. The children enjoyed...
10th Dec 2021
The boys and girls in P1 have really enjoyed the preparations for Christmas in our...
10th Dec 2021
In P2 this week we have been working on our writing. We wrote words and sentences...