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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Green Flag Success

26th Jun 2024

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Eco Green Flag Award for another two years! We were delighted to collect our Green Flag at the 30th Anniversary Eco Schools Awards Ceremony at Stranmillis College.

Eco Schools is part of Keep Britain Tidy and Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful. The Green Flag has to be renewed every two years. This is our second Green Flag and the whole school community is involved. There are ten topics to cover: Transport, Litter, Global Citizenship, Healthy Living, Energy, Marine, School Grounds, Biodiversity, Waste and Water. The Eco Committee work together throughout the year to draw up an Action Plan, monitor the effectiveness of Eco topic actions by collecting data and monitoring and evaluating progress.

Over the last year the Eco Committee and the wider school community have worked so hard to achieve our Green Flag Award. A big thank you to our children, Board of Governors, principal, teachers, assistants, parents, grandparents and caretaker who helped us achieve our award. We couldn’t have done it without you all!