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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

European Day of Languages 2024

23rd Sep 2024

On Thursday 26th September we will celebrate European Languages Day.

European Languages Day aims to: 

  • celebrate the diversity of languages and cultures within Europe
  • encourage language learning at any age
  • promote intercultural understanding
  • diversify the range of languages learnt

The European Day of Languages is celebrated throughout Europe with a range of events including language classes for all ages and abilities, conferences, cultural exchanges, children’s activities and television/ radio specials.

In Dundela, there are over 20 different languages spoken. Each year group has devised a range of exciting activities to celebrate the nurturing and diverse nature of our school. Later in the year P1 and P3 will also be exploring Countries Around the World as part of their World Around Us Topic. Keep an eye out on Seesaw and the website for pictures of our learning and fun on Thursday.