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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Dundela is Bee-autiful!

17th Feb 2023

The Live Here Love Here grant project is coming towards completion. Work has taken place this week to install planter boxes with soft fruit bushes, ivy removed from the green fencing and some animal homes and bug houses installed. 
Shoots are beginning to appear in the middle section and we now have to be patient as we wait for it to come to life. The long term look is a long way off and it won’t look ‘pretty’ for a day or two yet but maybe before I retire children in Dundela will sample our very own apples, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries! 
There are two tables also installed and it is hoped small groups of children will be able to explore the pollinator bugs and bees that we hope it may attract. As part of the grant, bug hunting and investigative equipment has been purchased for the children to use. 

Please continue to be patient and keep children off the soft ground in the middle section while the shoots and plants become established. 

Mrs Bettes