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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Developing Metacognition in Key Stage One

17th Dec 2024

“When students use metacognition, they become tremendously empowered as learners because they begin to be able to teach themselves.” (Dr Saundra Yancy McGuire) 

Developing pupils’ Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities is an essential part of their education and one that provides the necessary skills for life long learning. In Primary 3 we had ample opportunities to do this through our Underwater Topic, but most recently during our final lesson showing what we have learned about sea turtles. 

We used different ways to source information and record our thinking on a thinking skills frame. We then shared what we have learned about the topic with one another. Our main task was to bring all the information that we know about sea turtles to make a diorama from a selection of junk materials. This sparked lots of thinking and discussion whilst we made our piece. The finished dioramas displayed pupils’ knowledge of habitat, food, predators and other key facts. Excellent work boys and girls.