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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Big Bedtime Read and Nursery Rhyme Week

11th Nov 2024

We celebrated our "Big Bedtime Read" in Nursery last week. Everyone arrived at school in their coziest pyjamas. With cups of hot chocolate and marshmallows in hand, we snuggled in to enjoy a bedtime story together. The excitement doesn’t end there! This week, each child will begin their very own Big Bedtime Read at home. We can’t wait to see the joy of storytelling continue to grow in each of their bedtime routines. We also had a visit from the librarian who told us all about going to the library. 

In Talk for Writing, the children have been enjoying the story “Where’s Spot”. They took their storytelling skills to the next level! They created their very own story maps, laying out the sequence of events to help retell the story in their own words.

This week, we have loved bringing classic rhymes to life, "Five Little Speckled Frogs", "Incy Wincy Spider", “Two Little Dickie Birds” and "Five Currant Buns." The children loved singing together, building rhythm and language skills in the most fun way possible! We drew the Nursery Rhyme we liked the best.