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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2019/2020 School Year

26th Nov 2019
Primary 1 had a very exciting day today. We had a visit from a local policeman....
26th Nov 2019
P1 had a very exciting day today.  We had a visit from our local policeman....
20th Nov 2019
We have had great fun over 6 weeks of Hearsay. We have worked hard to train Champ...
11th Nov 2019
Boys and girls have made a great start to term 1B.  This half term we are learning...
11th Nov 2019
In P1 we have been learning all about People Who Help Us. Sam the Paramedic paid...
11th Nov 2019
P2 had a super time at Armagh Planetarium last Thursday. We saw a great alien cartoon...
25th Oct 2019
We want to wish Miss Mackey all the very best for her retirement as she begins this...
23rd Oct 2019
Save the date! Join us on Friday 15 November from 7-9pm for our Dundela...
15th Oct 2019
Thank you to everyone for your generous donations for our recent Harvest...
10th Oct 2019
Primary 1 In P1 we will be learning what privacy is. Primary 2 ...