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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2019/2020 School Year

14th Feb 2020
On Friday the whole school participated in “Love Maths Day,” where we...
14th Feb 2020
We had a great Love Maths Day today!   We had great fun doing number activities...
14th Feb 2020
We had super maths fun in P1CW this morning. We made fruit pattern kebabs for our...
13th Feb 2020
Earlier this term one of our lovely mummies came in to tell us all about a place...
12th Feb 2020
The next PTA event is a Quiz Night (adults only) on Friday 28 February...
12th Feb 2020
We have been revising all the sounds that we have been learning in P3 so far. We...
9th Feb 2020
On Friday, P3 enjoyed a visit from Karl, who brought in some Birds of Prey for us...
6th Feb 2020
Well done to some of our wonderful readers, who have completed over 12 weeks of...
6th Feb 2020
As part of our new topic “The greengrocers “ we have been reading the...
6th Feb 2020
Another Hearsay group has come to an end. We had great fun with Harland Cat and...