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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2020/2021 School Year

27th Sep 2020
We hope this short video will give our parents a little overview of what Primary...
27th Sep 2020
Primary 1 formation video for 's'
25th Sep 2020
  We are so proud of how well the children in P1MC have settled into their...
25th Sep 2020
The boys and girls have had a wonderful time settling into their new P1 classroom....
25th Sep 2020
The boys and girls in P1CW have settled really well. We have made lots of new friends,...
23rd Sep 2020
Normally at this time of year we would be inviting parents in to meet the P2 teachers...
22nd Sep 2020
I am so proud of all the boys and girls in P2B! They just LOVE being back at school!...
15th Sep 2020
       Wrap Around Care The Sleepy Hollow Group has...
9th Sep 2020
We were delighted to welcome the Northern Ireland Minister for Education to...
9th Sep 2020