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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2020/2021 School Year

8th Mar 2021
6th Mar 2021
The boys and girls have had a super week celebrating World Book Day!  ðŸ“šðŸŒŽ...
3rd Mar 2021
The primary one classes have been studying the life cycle of a butterfly. We've...
25th Feb 2021
The PSNI have released these very helpful leaflets about keeping yourself safe online....
19th Feb 2021
We have been really busy at home with our literacy, numeracy and topic work. We...
6th Feb 2021
This week in P2L we have been really busy focusing on our wellbeing. We’ve...
5th Feb 2021
This week P3D took a little break from our usual work to do lots of fun activities...
5th Feb 2021
After studying the topic of British garden birds, the P3 classes in Dundela all...
5th Feb 2021
At a time when children are learning remotely, it is more important than ever to...
2nd Feb 2021