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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2021/2022 School Year

12th Jan 2022
In January in P2 our Topic is Toys. There is no better way to learn about toys than...
12th Jan 2022
As a committee we walked around the school and grounds to complete an audit. This...
12th Jan 2022
This week P1LM had lots of fun during outdoor play. The P1s built roads, ramps and...
12th Jan 2022
Literacy lessons in P3CK are fun. We love to use word sorts, Epic Books and exciting...
12th Jan 2022
We used cubes, buttons and counters to help us learn how to spell tricky words this...
10th Jan 2022
In Nursery, we have been learning all about the underwater world. We are learning...
10th Jan 2022
Thank you to everyone who supported the NI Children's Hospice Elmer Appeal. Staff...
9th Jan 2022
Throughout all of the subjects we study in Primary 3, we are trying to develop the...
6th Jan 2022
In Primary 3, we have been learning about the signs of winter. We went outside to...
6th Jan 2022
If you require help filling in your application form for Nursery, please come to...