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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


2022/2023 School Year

17th Oct 2022
This week is Parent Week please click on the link to watch the video from Parent...
14th Oct 2022
Congratulations to the new ECO COMMITTEE members from P3H. They are both very passionate...
13th Oct 2022
Congratulations to these superstars who have just been elected Eco-Committee Representatives...
5th Oct 2022
Our class had tremendous fun when Fitness Freddie put us through our paces in the...
4th Oct 2022
We have been doing a lot of Forest school challenges. We had a competition to see...
4th Oct 2022
We have been learning about our body. We have looked at our skeleton, organs and...
30th Sep 2022
We have enjoyed settling back into school life together. We’ve especially...
27th Sep 2022
Children have been busy bees in P2Y, settling back into routines and getting to...