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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast


26th Sep 2024
Today we celebrated the diverse range of languages spoken in Dundela. First thing...
25th Sep 2024
What an exciting start we have had to our Talk for Writing unit within Literacy....
25th Sep 2024
The children in P1We have settled in really well, making many new friends and trying...
25th Sep 2024
We are excited to introduce a fun and friendly new member to our school community...
23rd Sep 2024
On Thursday 26th September we will celebrate European Languages Day. European...
20th Sep 2024
In Dundela we want pupils’ lunchtime experience to be an enjoyable and happy...
20th Sep 2024
What an exciting Friday it was in P3. Today we held our elections for our new School...
20th Sep 2024
On one of the sunniest days of the year, we ventured out to our allotment to harvest...
18th Sep 2024
We have had great fun settling into P1. We love all the new things to see and do...
17th Sep 2024
The children have been working hard learning all of the Nursery rules and routines....