Our Vision and Values
Our Vision and Values
🟡 Belong 🟡 Believe 🟡 Achieve
Our vision is to nurture, challenge and inspire all learners to be the best they can be, within a caring, child centred, inclusive and connected school community.
🟡 We belong to…
- a happy, nurturing school with a safe and welcoming learning environment
- an accepting, inclusive and diverse Dundela family
- a caring, supportive and child centred community
🟡 We believe in…
- ourselves and each other and celebrate our individuality
- high expectations and respect for our school and community
- positive attitudes and behaviours and take pride in all we do in school
🟡 We achieve by…
- building the foundations necessary for a lifelong love for learning
- fostering curiosity, resilience and confidence as we experience success
- being encouraged, challenged and motivated to be the best we can be
🟡 Be the Best you can Be 🟡